YSpace IDEA EmpowHER Launchpad program is offered to companies where women own 50% or more of the company. Do you confirm that at least 50% of your business is owned by a women-identified founder? *
YSpace IDEA EmpowHER Launchpad program is offered to women-led companies in Ontario. Do you confirm that your business is located in Ontario? *
YSpace IDEA EmpowHER Launchpad program is designed for MVP ready, tech and innovative product/service based businesses. Do you confirm that you have a MVP ready, tech and innovative product/service based business? *
YSpace IDEA EmpowHER Launchpad program is designed for newcomer women entrepreneurs (lived for less than 10 years in Canada). Do you confirm that you are newcomver in Canada? *
Do you work full time for your business (equivalend of 35 hours per week)? *
Could you commit to participating in person (equivalent of 2 half days per week) spread over 6 weeks, likely between November 5, 2024 and December 12, 2024? Please note we aim to accommodate varying availabilities as much as possible. The exact schedule will be shared in advance upon acceptance into the program. *
Personal Information
What age category do you fall into? *
Do you identify as any of the following:
How did you hear about this program? *
Business Information
Type of Organization *
At what stage is your company? *
Business Information
Maximum of 200 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Upload a pitch deck, business plan or any documents to support your application (pdf only) to this google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TuJZSoGuTB32VAOCCxD6FdBTXdTnnf0L?usp=sharing
Once you have uploaded the document please select yes *
Did you have any paying customers in the period April 2022 to March 2023? *
Please specify the average ticket size for your business. This refers to the typical dollar value of each individual sale. Please choose from the following options *
What was your annual revenue for April 2022 to March 2023? *
Have you received any external funding (including friends & family, angels, VCs, grants, loans, crowdfunding, ICO, etc.) *
If you received any external funding, please identify.